
The Middle East Prestige Awards

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featured image prestige awards doha qatar

The Prestige Awards publication provides business professionals and consumers with information on the latest news and developments within their city. Available in print and digital format, the magazine covers areas such as the booming dining scene, challenges in the retail industry, and education, amongst other popular topics.

Besides publication, an award recognizes the important work of small and independent businesses in the UK and internationally. They aim to celebrate this impartially and fairly.

Museum of Illusions Doha won the Prestige Awards 2023/2024 in the Middle East competition, in the Interactive Museum of the Year category.

The Prestige Awards team conducts extensive research into all nominees for the awards program. Shortlisted companies are asked to support their nomination with evidence of their work, positive feedback from their clients, information on previous accreditation and recognition, and highlighting the most outstanding parts of their businesses.

The judging panel then bases their decisions upon areas such as service, quality of the product/service provided, innovative practices, values, ethical or sustainable methods of working, and consistency in performance.